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› Home › Prague Tourist Information › Prague Castle
The foundations of the Prague Castle were first laid down at the end of the 9th century. As power ebbed and flowed to and from Prague, the Prague Castle grew. Under Charles IV, the foundations for the spectacular high gothic St. Vitus Catherdral were laid in the 1344. Unaffected by modern war, the Castle has been the seat of power in the Czech lands since its beginnings.
From the Vlasska, Prokopska or Kampa Apartments you can easily walk up to the castle through the winding, cobbled streets of Mala Strana. Once you’ve attained the front of the castle by walking through Petrin Hill, up Nerudova Street or perhaps by riding a tram up the hill, you can take a tour of the castle. Not all of it, of course, as the President of the Czech Republic still uses the Prague Castle as his office and receives all manner of foreign dignitaries there.
There are many fascinating things in the Prague Castle including of course the St. Vitus Cathedral. It’s possible, for an entry fee, to walk to the very top of St. Vitus and enjoy the spectaular view afford there of Prague. There are frequently art and photo exhibits in the halls of the Prague Castle and of course, there is the Golden Lane.
If you go up the hill rather than down, you can visit many of the beautiful palaces including the Archbishop’s Palace, which is just to the right of the front courtyard. Just below the Archbishop’s palace is a branch of the National Museum which has a variety of impressionist art.
View of the Prague Castle
Continuing up the hill, on the right is a museum which houses arms and canon used to deter attack.
One of the most interesting things about the Prague Castle is the seldom visited, but very beautiful Novy Svet, which is down to the right of the castle. Set in a valley just below the castle to the west, there are charming restaurants and shops as well as residential houses. Make sure you get a chance to visit all of Prague Castle by spending plenty of time there.
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